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4 ways to start the career of your dreams (when you have no idea where to start)..

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

The pressure to find your passion is immense, from high school we are programmed to find something we love that you will do for the rest of your life…. No pressure! Did you know that only 6% of people actually go on to pursue the career of their childhood dreams(opens in a new tab) ? Yep! Only 6%, so don’t stress, real life will see you through at least 5 career changes(opens in a new tab) so maybe it’s time to look for the job that fits now. Whether you are a school leaver, re-entering the work force or wanting a career change here are a few ideas to help you get started.

1. Look for an entry level job in an industry that you are interested in.

Administration Assistants, Personal Assistants, Executive Assistants, Office Managers and Accounting Assistants are all professions in demand and enable you to try out a variety of different job sectors, once you are in a company it is much easier to look for promotions into other job roles and complete further study while you are working. SM TAFE offers a range of Business courses that will get you in a job and working towards your dreams!

2. Trial study a subject that you’re interested in.

By studying at TAFE you can try a number of different subjects without having to commit a minimum of 3 years of your life to a university degree, if you do find you love something great! Most of our TAFE courses will give you credit towards your degree if you go on to university and while you are studying you will be able to get an entry level job to support you along the way. If you’re worried about commitment, start out small, TAFE offers entry level Certificate II qualifications that can be completed in a short time frame and with less units, which means less investment in course fees. When you’re confident you are on the right path, step up to the next level qualification. There are bountiful opportunities in business pathways at Certificate II level, allowing choice of specialisation in administration, finance, human resources, marketing, management, project management and even medical!

3. Talk to a careers counsellor.

The Jobs and Skills centre(opens in a new tab)  offer free careers, training and employment advice and assistance with one-on-one appointments available.They will be able to help you assess your current skills and interests and guide you towards a career suited to you. You can talk to them about the kinds of industries that interest you and help you find your passion. They are also connected to networks of employers and can assist in helping you find a job before, during or after study. If it’s time for an application or interview, they’ll even help you craft the perfect resume, or hone your interview skills to be a knockout job contender!

4. Volunteer.

As a volunteer you get to explore an interest or particular job sector, even if you don’t yet have the experience behind you to secure a paid position. You can set the hours you work, you can meet and network with people who have access to job openings, and create a portfolio of work and collect references to bolster your next job application. Often volunteering can be immensely rewarding as you can take pride in giving something back to your community and create meaning in your work.