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WA and Zhejiang launch Higher Vocational Education Consortium

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Western Australia and Zhejiang Province launched the Higher Vocational Education Consortium (HVEC) on 11 November 2022.

Two memoranda of understandings were signed between South Metropolitan TAFE, Ningbo Polytechnic and Zhejiang Institute of Economics and Trade, to support the introduction of Australian Nationally recognised TAFE qualifications in China through leveraging existing training facilities and lecturing staff.

Ms Karen Ho, Director General of the Department of Training and Workforce Development and Mr Shu Peidong, Deputy Director General of Zhejiang Provincial Department of Education co-hosted the hybrid event that included cultural performances, memoranda of understanding signings, speeches and a digital launch of the consortium’s logo.

China has the world’s largest vocational education system, with 11,200 schools with a combined enrolment of close to 30 million students and Western Australia has a Vocational Education System that is recognised world-wide for quality, national compliance, high level training, strong links to industry and extensive stakeholder engagement.

The launch event was followed by two virtual Professional Development (PD) days on 16 and 24 November. The virtual PD courses, about Western Australia’s Vocational Education delivery methodologies, standards and regulations, will continue to form a bridge between the technical colleges of both regions during COVID-19 related travel restrictions. 

The Western Australian Government understands the importance of strong and vibrant relationships with the people and governments of Asia, which will deliver jobs and economic prosperity for our state and strengthen our cultural connections.

The launch of the WA-Zhejiang HVEC directly supports objectives in Western Australia’s Asian Engagement Strategy 2019-30: Our future with Asia and Reconnect WA. 

More information can be found on the Invest and Trade WA website

Images by Davide Zamboni